

Code of ethics

Business etiquette and corporate culture

Compliance with the Code of business ethics is mandatory for all executive officers and employees of National coordination center for emergency medicine regardless of their position. Code of business ethics was devised in order to maintain a unified corporate spirit and culture based on high ethical standards of conduct. The Code of business ethics sets out the same values, ethical principles and standards of conduct both within the organization and with external partners.

The following requisite skills are appreciated in employees of National coordination center for emergency medicine and in their work: focus on achieving strategic objectives, professionalism and will to improve, initiative and proactive attitude, discipline and responsibility, mutual support, providing assistance to junior specialists.

Employees of National coordination center for emergency medicine are not entitled to accept payments, gifts or services from individuals and legal entities for the performance of their duties, except for the generally accepted forms of courtesy and hospitality, as well as during protocol events and other official events. Conversations, especially over the phone, should be conducted in a calm and polite manner.

Mobile phones must be switched off or in silent mode during meetings

Medical ethics and deontology

  1. Medical worker should not expose the patient to unjustified risks; choosing the method of treatment should be guided by the "Do no harm" concept.
  2. Medical worker must respect the honor and dignity of the patient, treat him / her kindly, respect rights to personal secrecy, approach with understanding the concern of relatives and friends about the patient's condition, must not interfere in the private affairs of the patient and family.
  3. Medical worker has no right to impose religious and political views on the patient.
  4. Self-promotion is unacceptable when communicating with a patient.
  5. Prevent facts of extortion from the patient for the services provided.
  6. Personal prejudices of a medical worker and other non-professional grounds should not affect the provision of medical care.
  7. A medical worker does not have the right to conclude property transactions with a patient, to use his / her labor for personal purposes, as well as to engage in extortion and bribery taking advantage of his position and of the emotional state of a patient.

Ethics of conducting telephone conversations for employees of the operator unit of National coordination center for emergency medicine:

  1. Employees of the operator unit of National coordination center for emergency medicine regardless of their position (senior doctors, paramedics-operators), when conducting telephone conversations with patients, business partners, should remain calm in any situation and never express their dissatisfaction with the interlocutor's behavior.
  2. Operator unit officer should be extremely polite in their intonations. It is not acceptable to hint at the rudeness, slowness or talkativeness of the interlocutor. When talking to non-medical professionals, professional terminology should not be used.
  3. Operator unit officer is always attentive to his interlocutor. He / she makes sure that the interlocutor is comfortable with the information in terms of content, speed, volume and emotional atmosphere.

Appearance (dress code)

The following appearance standards have been established at National coordination center for emergency medicine for medical personnel regardless of their position: cotton surgical overalls with antibacterial impregnation, a vest with a hood made of a mixed fabric with cotton, a suit made of a mixed fabric with cotton, a cotton medical gown with antibacterial impregnation. Main color for medical workers - red with yellow inserts, for ambulance drivers - dark blue with a reflective line, for nurses - purple without inserts.

Administrative and managerial employees of National coordination center for emergency medicine must strictly adhere to a business style in choosing clothes, shoes and hairstyles while performing their official duties regardless of their position. Business style is a conservative dress. The formal business style implies a formal suit and classic shoes with a minimum of accessories.

Each employee must have a badge indicating surname, name, patronymic and job title.


Балтабаев Адильжан Сансызбаевич

Инструктор Учебно-тренингового центра


1997 г.-  1998г. ДОСААФ (Добровольное общество содействия армии, авиации и флоту) Специальность:                 Специальность: Водитель 
2020 г. Тренер по Безопасному вождению; Вождение в сложных дорожных условиях (включает курс «Безопасное зимнее вождение); Безопасное вождение специализированной техники» - машин скорой помощи (РФ, г. Москва)
Опыт работы:
2001г. – 2008г. Водитель-экспедитор.
2013г. – 2021г. Водитель реанемобиля Административно-хозяйственного отдела, Республиканский центр санитарной авиации.
2021г. – по настоящее время. Инструктор Учебно-тренингового центра, Национальный координационный центр экстренной медицины





OUR MISSION: Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VISION: Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

GOAL: Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
• Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
• Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
• Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational and training center

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Timur Muratov

Chairman of the Board


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