

Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan

ADDRESS: 14, Hussein bin Talal street, Astana, Kazakhstan

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

List of employees
Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Situation Center

Job title

Full Name

Phone number


Chairman of the Board

Timur Muratov


Admission office



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Deputy Chairman of the Board for Medical Affairs

Yerzhan Adilbekov


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Deputy Chairman for Strategic Development

Askhat Saparov


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Deputy Chairman of the Board for Administrative and Economic Issues

 Dauren Dikhanbayev 


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Deputy Chairman of the Board for Economics and Finance

Aizhan Kalmagambetova


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Managing Director Saule Yerzhanova 707576 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Internal Audit Service


Head of the service

Maulen Uysinbayev


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Self-Security Service


Security Advisor

Nurbolat Suyundikov


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Representative Office in Almaty city


Acting Director of the representative office

Seydakhmet Ulbolsyn Kalmahanbetkyzy


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Dispatch unit operator



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Medical aviation department


Head of Medical Unit

Nazigul Yrymbayeva 


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Middle grade medical staff


Paramedic supervisor

Fatima Zhakenova 


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Operator Unit and Call Center


Dispatch unit operator



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Department of Drug Supply


Head of Department

Venera Abdrakhmanova 


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Сenter for telemedicine and remote medical services



Bakyt Zharkimbekov 


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Dispatch service



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Educational and Training Center


Head of Center

Gumyrbek Agybayev 


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Republican Coordination Center for stroke problems


Head of Center

Sabina Medukhanova


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The Office of Quality Control and Expertise


Head of the Office

Aidana Shaldanbayeva


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103 Coordination Department


Head of Department

Daniker Kusainova 


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Department of medical statistics and organizational and methodological work


Head of the Department

Galiya Nurutdinova 


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The Office of Technical Support


Head of the Office

Vyacheslav Borodin 


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Department of Development and Marketing


Head of Department

Indira Zhanibekova 


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The Office of Information Technologies


Head of the Office

Sagadat Dyusenbaev 


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Human Resources Department


Head of Department

Banu Kalmyrza 


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Legal Department


Head of Department

Aizhan Nurmukhankyzy


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Documentation Management and State Language Department


Head of Department

Oxana Masterskaya 


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Department of Economic Planning and Analysis


Head of Department


Department of State Procurement


Head of Department

Kazbek Beknazarov


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Accounting and Reporting Department


Chief Accountant

Natalya Klyueva


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The Office of General Services


Head of the Office

Bauyrzhan Salykov


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