Air ambulance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
About us
Legislative acts
Certificate of state registration
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Chairman's blog
Supervisory Board
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Fight against corruption
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Kazakh language courses
Regulatory legal acts related to the language policy of the RoK
State language – my status
Media relations
Медициналық терминдер
Authorized persons for access to information
График приема физических и юридических лиц
Нормативно-правовые акты
Air ambulance services
Transportation of patients
Remote medical services
Transportation of donor organs
Educational-training center
Training seminars
Photo gallery
For patients
Patient rights and responsibilities
For staff
Code of ethics
Спартакиада бағдарламасы
Republican Coordination Centre for Stroke Problems
Международное сотрудничество
Индикаторы удовлетворенности пациентов и персонала
Удовлетворенность пациентов
Анкета удовлетворенности пациентов МБМА
Оценка удовлетворенности пациентов оказанной медицинской помощью в форме МА
Удовлетворенность МБМА условиями ВС
Статистические данные и показатели
Statutory free medical assistance
Public procurement
Aviational and medical services
Aviational services
Международные вылеты
Regional flights
Medical services
Procurement documents
Standard forms of contracts
Questions & answers
Bank details
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Образец обращения
Портал "Открытые данные"
For visually impaired users
Contact us
Fight against corruption
Order No. 72 dated 11.06.2021 “On approval of Action Plan to reduce corruption risks identified by the working group based on the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks in the activities of the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019-2021”
Analytical information on the results of the internal analysis of corruption risks in the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” in 2019-2021.
Memorandum of cooperation on the adoption of anti-corruption measures and intolerance to any manifestations of corruption in the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Order No. 39 of 02.04.2021 “On the establishment of a working group to conduct an internal analysis of corruption risks”
Order No. 38 of 02.04.2021 “On designated person for organizing anti-corruption activities”
Order No. 12 of July 28.01.2022 “On the approval of the anti-corruption policy in the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Order No. 07 dated 26.01.2021 “On approval of the Rules for the internal analysis of corruption risks of the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Order No. 135 of 04.10.2021 "On approval of the Regulation on giving and accepting gifts and branded souvenirs"
Anti-corruption action plan 2021-2022 of the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Order No. 13 of 28.01.2022 "On the establishment of a working group to conduct an internal analysis of corruption risks"
Work plan for conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks of the RSE with the right to engage in economic activities "National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Analytical report on the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks in the RSE with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the period from 2020 - 2022
The action plan of the RSE with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the elimination of corruption risks based on the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks for 2020-2022
FaLang translation system by Faboba
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