

Chairman of the Board Muratov T.M.

By order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 41 ж/в dated July 26, 2023, Muratov Timur Muratuly was appointed Chairman of the Board of the National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine.

Timur Muratuly is a native of the East Kazakhstan region, was born on April 18, 1977.

Higher medical education, candidate of medical sciences.

He graduated from the Semey Medical university with a degree in General Medicine, the Eurasian Humanities Institute with a degree in Bachelor of Law, and the Kazakhstan Medical University with a degree in Higher School of Public Health. He has a Master of Public Health degree.

Worked in the healthcare system for over 20 years. He began his career as a doctor in the capital city polyclinic № 6. Over the years, he worked as the head of the department of the city hospital № 2, deputy chief physician for quality control of medical services of the city hospital № 2, chief physician of the Akmola regional hospital № 2.

In recent years, he held the position of deputy director of the Hospital of the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration, worked as the chief physician of the ambulance station. From 2020 to July 2023, he was the head of the Public Health Department of Astana.

He is Vice-President of the Society of Urologists of Kazakhstan and Chairman of the public association "Society of Endoscopic Urologists of Astana".

Awarded with badges "Densaulyk saktau іsіnіn uzdіgі", "Densaulyk saktau іsіne қoskan ulesi ushin", anniversary medal "Astana 20 zhyl". Winner of the "Altyn Shipager" award in the nomination "Best Effective Manager" (2019). For many years of work and contribution to the healthcare system, in 2021 he was awarded the state award with the medal "Eren Enbegi Ushin".

He has the highest qualification category in the specialties "Public Health" and "Urology".

                                          Aliyeva Ainur Samatovna

                                          Medical doctor and trainer



JSC "Astana Medical University", Nur-Sultan

Specialty: General Medicine, Qualification: General Practitioner


Instructor BLS, ACLS, PALS, PhTLS (International Resuscitation Training Center)


“Fundamentals of methodology in the field of continuing education for health professionals”

Work experience


Sports medicine doctor in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation


Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the City Polyclinic No. 9, Nur-Sultan


Coordinator of Medical Programs of “Medi-Service Assistance Group” LLP, Doctor-coordinator

2019 - to the present day

General practitioner "Kazakhstan Health Services" LLP


2021 - to the present day

Medical doctor and trainer of the Educational and Training Center, National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine


Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные концепции и перспективы развития медицинской авиации»

02 сентября 2021 года Национальным координационным центром экстренной медицины при участии Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан организована и проведена Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные концепции и перспективы развития медицинской авиации», посвященная 30-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан и 10-летию службы медицинской авиации. Масштабная встреча казахстанских и зарубежных экспертов в сфере медицинской авиации состоялась в онлайн-формате.

В ходе конференции свои доклады представили ведущие специалисты в области экстренной медицины Казахстана, России, Индии, Турции, Узбекистана, Израиля, Германии. Участники обменялись примерами успешного опыта и поделились проблемами в области оказания экстренной медицинской помощи. Были обсуждены вопросы санитарно-авиационной эвакуации больных и пострадавших, перспективы развития службы медицинской авиации, деятельность службы скорой помощи в условиях пандемии, ведение пациента с тяжелыми травмами, внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий автоматизированной системы управления 103 в деятельность службы скорой медицинской помощи и другие.

Официальным спонсором мероприятия выступила компания «Astana motors», а также «Hyundai Trans Almaty».

По итогам конференции был издан сборник материалов.


Сборник тезисов Скачать

FaLang translation system by Faboba




OUR MISSION: Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VISION: Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

GOAL: Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
• Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
• Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
• Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational and training center

Chairman’s blog

Timur Muratov

Chairman of the Board


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