

Dear participant, please find below information regarding our courses

List of training programs


Price schedule

In order to register for a training seminar, you have to submit the following documents:


     copy of an ID;

  copy of a higher education diploma;

      (except for the following courses: “First aid”, “Basic Life Support”, “Safe driving. Safe driving in difficult conditions”);

  copy of the marriage certificate (for those who changed last name).

             Paper documents will be accepted at the following address: 13/2, Korgalzhyn highway, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, +7 7172 709 711, +7 7172 707 581 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for cooperation!

Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On people's health and healthcare system" DOWNLOAD

Rules for the provision of emergency medical care including that provided by air ambulance DOWNLOAD

Regulations for the provision of first aid by persons without medical education, including those who have undergone appropriate training, and First aid standard DOWNLOAD

Regulations for assessing the performance of members of the supervisory board and determining the limit for payment of remuneration to members of the supervisory board DOWNLOAD

"Standard for the organization of emergency medical care in admission departments of medical organizations providing inpatient medical care in the Republic of Kazakhstan" DOWNLOAD

FaLang translation system by Faboba




OUR MISSION: Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VISION: Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

GOAL: Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
• Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
• Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
• Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational and training center

Chairman’s blog

Timur Muratov

Chairman of the Board


Photo gallery


Useful links