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 On December 22, 2015, the Ministry of Health and Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the “Roadmap for the implementation of an integrated model for the management of strokes in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019,” the implementation of which was entrusted to JSC “National Center for Neurosurgery” (hereinafter referred to as JSC). "NCN"). In this connection, by order No. 686 of 02/08/2016. The Ministry of Health and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Stroke mortality issues and medical care quality improvement for patients with stroke” a new structural unit “Republican Coordination Center for Stroke Problems” (hereinafter RCCSP) as part of JSC “NCN” was launched. 

In order to provide medical care to hospital patients with stroke, by order No. 384 of June 27, 2023, the Republican State Enterprise for Economic Rights “National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine” was instructed to relocate RCCSP under its supervision.

The purpose of creating the RCCSP is to improve the quality of medical care for stroke patients and coordinate the stroke service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

RCCSP is a unique division of the National Coordination Center for Emergency Medicine, which combines organizational, methodological, clinical, scientific and educational work. The RCCSP team implements the set of goals and objectives:

- Medukhanova Sabina Garafovna – head of the RCCSP, neurologist, master of public health JMHM;

- Bakirova Zhanel Erzhanovna – chief specialist of the RCCSP, manager, master of public health

- Nurgalieva Shyryn Kaderovna – leading specialist of the RCCSP, neurologist.

Employees of the RCCSP developed national indicators for effective analysis, monitoring and management of the stroke service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Systematic work is underway to implement the measures of the Republican Roadmap.  Onsite visits to the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out, during which monitoring and analysis of the regional stroke service is carried out. Telemedicine consultations are conducted with remote regions on treating tactics of complex cases, including stroke in pregnant and postpartum women, when needed flights are carried out via air ambulance. Within the framework of the 005 Republican budget program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the priority issue “Stroke”, since 2017, stroke service specialists have been trained: neurologists, neurosurgeons, interventional surgeons, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, radiologists, rehabilitation specialists, therapists, GPs, paramedics, speech therapists. Clinical guidelines have been developed for the following diseases: “subarachnoid hemorrhage”, “non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage”, “Cerebral venous thrombosis”.

Every year, scientific and practical conferences are held with the participation of international experts in the field of neurology and the organization of stroke services, round tables, during which pressing issues of the stroke service of each region of the country are discussed.

In 2017, 2 social videos were released on the first signs of stroke and on timely seeking medical help, authored by Akhmetzhanova Z.B., the main role in one of them was played by the famous Kazakh actor Erbolat Kasymovich Toguzakov. The videos are rotated on the republican TV channels “KTK”, “Astana”, “Khabar”, as well as in medical organizations and public places of the regions of Kazakhstan.

On October 23, 2019, a memorandum was signed between NCN JSC, represented by the Chairman of the Board S.K. Akshulakov and the Representative Office of the World Health Organization in Kazakhstan, represented by the Head and Permanent Representative of WHO in Kazakhstan O.P. Chestnova “On cooperation in the implementation of measures for the prevention and treatment of stroke, as well as other related issues in the field of healthcare.”

In 2022, “A practical guide to care and home rehabilitation for patients with neurological deficits” was translated into Kazakh language and published.

Currently, RCCSP employees are involved in long-term projects:

- in Expert Council on atherosclerosis, for the development of a “Roadmap for the provision of medical care for atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism disorders”;

- in working group on nutrition, the work is carried out to implement the “Roadmap for Promoting Healthy Nutrition among the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2025.” jointly with the WHO Regional Office for Europe;

- in introduction of the international project “Fast Heroes”, a project to disseminate knowledge about the first signs of stroke among children of 5-9 years old.

Currently, there are 79 stroke centers operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A practical guide to care and home rehabilitation for patients with neurological deficits

Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Since April 2011 the population of Kazakhstan has been provided with medical assistance in the form of air ambulance at the national level by the Republican Air Ambulance Coordination Center, which was part of the JSC “Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care”.

In order to successfully coordinate the activities of medical organizations for emergency medical care by air ambulance the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “Republican Air Ambulance Center” was established by the Decree No. 1724 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 28 December 2012. Later, by the Decree No. 12 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 24 January 2019 the Center was renamed to the Republican State Enterprise with the right to engage in economic activities “National coordination center for emergency medicine” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


  • Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
  • Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
  • Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
  • Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Республиканское государственное предприятие на праве хозяйственного ведения «Национальный координационный центр экстренной медицины» Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан объявляет о проведении повторного закупа авиационных услуг по линии медицинской авиации Республики Казахстан.

  1. Организатор закупа (Заказчик): РГП на ПХВ «Национальный координационный центр экстренной медицины» МЗ РК, 010000, г. Астана, шоссе Коргалжын, здание 13/2, н.п.2, БИН 130240021888.
  2. Закупаемые услуги: авиационные услуги по линии медицинской авиации.
  3. Место базирования воздушных судов https://emcrk.kz/ru/zakupki/aviatsionnye-i-meditsinskie-uslugi/dokumenty-po-zakupu.
  4. Сроки оказания услуг: с момента заключения договора по 31 декабря 2023 года.
  5. Заявку на участие в закупе авиационных услуг, просим предоставить в срок до 10:00 часов 02 мая 2023 года.

К участию в закупе допускаются все потенциальные поставщики, отвечающие квалификационным требованиям, указанным в документации и соответствующие технической спецификации, являющимися неотъемлемой частью данного Объявления.

Квалификационные требования к закупаемым услугам https://emcrk.kz/ru/zakupki/aviatsionnye-i-meditsinskie-uslugi/dokumenty-po-zakupu.

Технические спецификации https://emcrk.kz/ru/zakupki/aviatsionnye-i-meditsinskie-uslugi/dokumenty-po-zakupu.

Тарифы, выделенные для оказания услуг https://emcrk.kz/ru/zakupki/aviatsionnye-i-meditsinskie-uslugi/dokumenty-po-zakupu.

Заявки на участие в закупе, запечатанные в конверты, предоставляются потенциальными поставщиками в РГП на ПХВ «Национальный координационный центр экстренной медицины» МЗ РК, 010000, г. Астана, шоссе Коргалжын, здание 13/2, н.п.2, каб. 204.

Конверты с заявками будут вскрываться в 11:00 часов 02 мая 2023 года по следующему адресу: г. Астана, шоссе Коргалжын, здание 13/2, н.п.2. 3 этаж, конференц-зал.

Заявка на участие предоставляется потенциальным поставщиком в запечатанном конверте до истечения окончательного срока предоставления Заявок.

На лицевой стороне запечатанного конверта с заявкой на участие потенциальный поставщик должен указать:

полное наименование и почтовый адрес потенциального Поставщика;

полное наименование и почтовый адрес Заказчика, которые должны соответствовать аналогичным сведениям, указанным в документации.

Конверт должен быть запечатанным и скреплен печатью потенциального поставщика.

Потенциальные поставщики и их представители могут присутствовать при вскрытии конвертов с заявками.

Заявки, поступившие позднее вышеупомянутого срока либо не оформленные в конверт, не принимаются. 

Заявка потенциального поставщика отклоняется полностью в случаях, если:

1) потенциальный поставщик не соответствует квалификационным требованиям и/или требованиям технической спецификации, предусмотренных Объявлением;

2) заявка на участие поступила после истечения окончательного срока приема заявок на участие в данной закупке.

Проекты договоров размещены на сайте Заказчика Типовые договора https://emcrk.kz/ru/zakupki/proekty-dogovorov-zakupa-meditsinskikh-uslug-v-forme-meditsinskoj-aviatsii

Вопросы по организации и проведению закупа, направлять на электронный адрес: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. по 28 апреля 2023 года.

Дополнительную информацию можно получить по телефону: +7 (7172) 709-677.

FaLang translation system by Faboba




OUR MISSION: Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VISION: Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

GOAL: Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
• Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
• Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
• Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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