

Tazhibay Bakytzhan Arynuly


Since 2019: Chairman of the public organization "Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Health Workers".



Kazakh State Medical University - Faculty of Medicine.

Kazakh State Medical University – specialized in "Clinical Residency in Surgery".

St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions - Master of Conflict Studies.

Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Science.


Professional experience

1999-2001: resident physician of the surgical department, City Children's Hospital No. 2, Astana

2001-2006: Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Kazakh State Medical Academy, Astana.

2003-2004: Deputy Dean of the Pediatric Faculty, combined duties, Kazakh State Medical Academy, Astana.

2006-2007: Dean of Pediatric and Dental Faculties, Kazakh State Medical Academy, Astana.

2007-2012: Doctor of the Pediatric Urological Department, National Scientific Center for Motherhood and Childhood, Astana.

2010-2019: Chairman of the branch of the public organization "Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Health Workers" in Nur-Sultan.

Date of appointment, number and date of order: Order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan n. 310 dated 26.05.2021.

Term of office of the members of the Supervisory Board is 3 years.

FaLang translation system by Faboba




OUR MISSION: Provision of emergency medical care by improving its quality and accessibility for the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VISION: Effective cluster of emergency medical services based on a patient-oriented approach, continuous development, improvement of the quality and safety of patients, implementation of national and international standards with the use of an educational component.

GOAL: Improving the quality and availability of emergency medical care using air transport to reduce mortality and disability rates in the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Organization of emergency medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan using air transport (medical aviation);
• Organization and coordination of activities of regional medical aviation departments;
• Development of emergency medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on international standards;
• Coordination of the ambulance service in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Educational and training center

Chairman’s blog

Timur Muratov

Chairman of the Board


Photo gallery


Useful links